We are experiencing a temporary outage for myPolicy. We are working to resolve the issue. Report a loss by contacting our 24/7, toll-free Claims Reporting Center at 866.411.2742. We apologize for any inconvenience.
We are experiencing a temporary outage for myPolicy. We are working to resolve the issue. Report a loss by contacting our 24/7, toll-free Claims Reporting Center at 866.411.2742. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Read more about what Citizens has accomplished in the Legislative/Cabinet, through Legislation and in our Citizens Advisor newsletter.
Michael Wickersheim
904.487.3590 (office)
En el 2002, la Legislatura de la Florida creo a Citizens Property Insurance Corporation (Citizens), un asegurador alternativo sin fines de lucro, cuyo propósito público es proveer seguro, y atender a las necesidades de propietarios de viviendas que no pueden encontrar cobertura en el mercado privado de seguro.