Catastrophe Claims - Public
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Catastrophe Claims
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Citizens is committed to responding quickly to disasters and providing local services and support to policyholders in a crisis. When a catastrophe occurs, Citizens activates a team of managers, support staff and adjusters experienced in handling catastrophic events and the resulting damage claims.
Following a catastrophe, Citizens dispatches mobile Catastrophe Response Centers (CRCs) to impacted areas to provide in-person service to policyholders who may be cut off from their usual means of communication. Citizens’ goal is to mobilize a fully functional CRC within 48 to 72 hours of a catastrophe declaration or as soon after that time as it is safe to travel to the impacted area.
Our CRC staff can answer questions and help you report a catastrophe claim. They also can issue checks for additional living expenses (ALE), if this coverage is available under your policy.
Reporting a Claim
Make your CRC visit more efficient by bringing the following information. CRC volunteers may be able to assist in locating information if you do not have it available:
- Photo ID
- Policy information
- Current contact information
- Date of loss
- Description and photos of damage (if possible)
Following up on a Claim
If you visit a CRC to follow up on a claim you’ve already reported to Citizens, bring the following information to make your visit more efficient. CRC volunteers may be able to assist in locating information if you do not have it available:
- Photo ID
- Current contact information
- Claim number
- Adjuster’s name and contact information
- Date of loss
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Additional Living Expense Coverage
Additional Living Expense Coverage
Some homeowners policies provide additional living expense (ALE) coverage, which helps pay for expenses incurred because your home has been deemed unlivable due to a covered loss. ALE provides coverage for the increase in costs over your normal expenses if a covered loss makes your home unlivable. This can include expenses for food, a place to live or other costs associated with maintaining your household.
Accurate receipt documentation is required. Make copies of these receipts for your records and provide the originals to your adjuster for review.
ALE coverage is limited and varies by policy type. Your adjuster can provide details about coverage. Check with your agent for more information about ALE coverage.