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Qualified Inspectors
Minimum Qualifications
Your wind mitigation inspection must be conducted by an authorized inspector who meets the minimum qualifications for wind mitigation inspectors, as established by Florida law.
Authorized inspectors must hold an active license as one of the following:
Home inspector licensed under Section 468.8314, Florida Statutes, and who has completed both the statutory number of hours of hurricane mitigation training approved by the Construction Industry Licensing Board and a proficiency exam
Building code inspector certified under Section 468.607, Florida Statutes
General, building or residential contractor licensed under Section 489.111, Florida Statutes
Professional engineer licensed under Section 471.015, Florida Statutes
Professional architect licensed under Section 481.213, Florida Statutes
Any other individual or entity recognized by the insurer as possessing the necessary qualifications to properly complete the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation Uniform Mitigation Verification Inspection Form (OIR-B1-1802) required by Florida law
Any authorized inspector can conduct your wind mitigation inspection and complete the OIR-B1-1802 form.