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During the annual Atlantic storm season, which runs June 1-November 30, Citizens monitors the weather forecast 24/7 for potential storms or storm effects. For the most up-to-date information, Citizens relies on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and its National Hurricane Center (NHC) for storm advisories and other storm-related information.

The National Hurricane Center’s tropical storm forecasts are developed by several agencies that work collaboratively to issue timely and informative reports. Citizens also uses a geographic information system (GIS) tool that incorporates data from NHC and helps track and forecast projected storm paths and wind and surge information so Citizens can be ready when a storm strikes Florida.

Know what to do if you need to evacuate. Citizens has partnered with the Florida Public Radio Emergency Network (FPREN) to bring you the latest news about catastrophic weather impacting your area. FPREN updates can be heard on your local public radio station and by downloading their free Florida Storms app from iTunes and Google Play.

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NOAA Graphical Forecast for the Atlantic

Se ha producido un error al procesar la plantilla.
Java method "com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.DateUtil_IW.parseDate(String, String, Locale)" threw an exception when invoked on com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.DateUtil_IW object "com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.DateUtil_IW@2ad7f801"; see cause exception in the Java stack trace.

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: feedDateObj = dateUtil.parseDate("EEE...  [in template "20154#20194#7206842" at line 24, column 7]
1<#-- Public scope --> 
3  feedDoc = saxReaderUtil.readURL("${cpicNoaaFeed.getData()}") 
4  feedItems = feedDoc.selectNodes("/rss/channel/item") 
5  image_path = themeDisplay.getPathThemeImages() 
8<#list feedItems as item> 
10  <#assign title = item.selectSingleNode('title').getData() /> 
12  <#if title == "NHC Atlantic Outlook"> 
13    <style> 
14      .news-feed-noaa { 
15        height: 21.9rem; 
16        overflow-x: hidden; 
17        overflow-y: scroll; 
18        padding: 1.25rem; 
20    </style> 
22    <#assign 
23      feedDate = getterUtil.getString(item.selectSingleNode('pubDate').getData()) 
24      feedDateObj = dateUtil.parseDate("EEE, dd MMM yyyy hh:mm:ss Z", feedDate, locale) 
25      description = item.selectSingleNode('description').getData() 
26      description = description?replace('a href', 'a target="_blank" href') 
27    /> 
29    <div class="cpic-content more-content news-feed"> 
30      <div class="h2 news-feed-header rounded-top text-center"> 
31            <img class="noaaHeaderImage" src="${image_path}/custom/NOAA Logo.png" alt="NOAA Logo" /> 
32            <div class="noaaHeaderText">Storm Tracker</div> 
33      </div> 
34      <div class="news-feed-noaa"> 
35        <div class="feed-title noaa-feed-title" style="font-weight: bold;">${.vars['reserved-article-title'].data}</div> 
36        <div class="feed-entries"> 
37          <div class="feed-entry"> 
38            <div class="feed-entry-title noaa-item-title" style="font-weight: bold;"><a href="${item.selectSingleNode('link').getData()}" target="_blank">${item.selectSingleNode('title').getData()}</a></div> 
39            <div class="feed-entry-content"> 
40              <div class="feed-date noaa-feed-date" style="padding-bottom: .5rem;">${feedDateObj?datetime}</div> 
41              <div class="noaa-item-description">${description}</div> 
42            </div> 
43          </div> 
44        </div> 
45    </div> 
46  </#if> 