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An error occurred while processing the template.
Template importing failed (for parameter value "_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_/20154/20702/12226227/12331509"):
Unable to find FreeMarker template with ID _TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_/20154/20702/12226227/12331509

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #import "${journalTemplatesPath}/1233...  [in template "20154#20194#29350523" at line 2, column 1]
1<#-- Global scope --> 
2<#import "${journalTemplatesPath}/12331509" as cpic /> 
4<#if !entries?has_content> 
5	<#if themeDisplay.isSignedIn()> 
6		<div class="alert alert-info"> 
7			<@liferay.language key="there-are-no-menu-items-to-display" /> 
8		</div> 
9	</#if> 
11    <#if layout.isPrivateLayout()> <#-- Handle adjusters, agents, bpopartners, and lobbyists --> 
12        <#assign curSite = portalUtil.getCurrentCompleteURL(request)?keep_after("/group/")?keep_before("?") /> 
13    <#elseif portalUtil.getCurrentCompleteURL(request)?contains("/web/")> <#-- Catch any public sites --> 
14        <#assign curSite = portalUtil.getCurrentCompleteURL(request)?keep_after("/web/")?keep_before("?") /> 
15    <#else> <#-- defautlt to the main site --> 
16        <#assign curSite = "public" /> 
17    </#if> 
19    <#assign 
20        addLiveChat = false 
21        curSite = curSite?keep_before("/") 
22    /> 
24    <#if curSite == "adjusters"> 
25        <#assign 
26            brkLg = [0] <#-- Use this setting to determine which number icon(s) represents the breakpoint for each row in large view (0 for one row).  MUST BE A SEQUENCE! --> 
27            brkMd = [0] <#-- Use this setting to determine which number icon represents the breakpoint for each row in medium view (0 for one row) --> 
28            brkSm = [0] <#-- Use this setting to determine which number icon represents the breakpoint for each row in small view (0 for one row) --> 
29        /> 
30    <#elseif curSite == "agents"> 
31        <#assign 
32            brkLg = [0] 
33            brkMd = [0] 
34            brkSm = [0] 
35        /> 
36    <#elseif curSite == "bpopartners"> 
37        <#assign 
38            brkLg = [0] 
39            brkMd = [0] 
40            brkSm = [0] 
41        /> 
42    <#elseif curSite == "lobbyist"> 
43        <#assign 
44            brkLg = [0] 
45            brkMd = [0] 
46            brkSm = [0] 
47        /> 
48    <#else> 
49        <#assign 
50            brkLg = [0] 
51            brkMd = [5] 
52            brkSm = [3, 6] 
53        /> 
54    </#if> 
56    <@cpic.buildGlobalAppBar bLg=brkLg bMd=brkMd bSm=brkSm addLiveChat=addLiveChat /> 


Web Content Display (Global)

Media Request

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Form Runner is temporarily unavailable.

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Public Contact Us Email Label

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An error occurred while processing the template.
Template importing failed (for parameter value "_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_/20154/20702/12226227/12331509"):
Unable to find FreeMarker template with ID _TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_/20154/20702/12226227/12331509

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #import "${journalTemplatesPath}/1233...  [in template "29350724" in macro "buildDropdown" at line 4, column 5]
	- Reached through: @dMenu.buildDropdown menuItems=entrie...  [in template "20154#20194#12331415" at line 4, column 1]
1<#-- Global Scope --> 
2<#import "${journalTemplatesPath}/29350724" as dMenu /> 
4<@dMenu.buildDropdown menuItems=entries wrapperClasses="cpic-dropdown-contact-us" /> 

About Citizens

About Citizens

In 2002, the Florida Legislature created Citizens Property Insurance Corporation (Citizens), a not-for-profit alternative insurer, whose public purpose is to provide insurance to, and serve the needs of, property owners who cannot find coverage in the private insurance market.

Web Content Display (Global)

Under Florida Law

Email addresses sent to Citizens are public records. If you do not want your email address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to Citizens. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing.

Policyholder Rights

Policyholder Declaration of Rights

Citizens is committed to providing the best possible customer service to its policyholders. As part of that commitment, Citizens adheres to the following:

Policyholder Declaration of Rights

  • Created by Citizens as part of its Plan of Operation
  • Applies to all Citizens policyholders

Homeowner Claims Bill of Rights

  • Created by the Florida Legislature
  • Applies to any personal residential property insurance claim filed with property and casualty insurance companies operating in Florida