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Information at Your Fingertips
This video library contains educational videos from Citizens and external resources such as Federal Alliance for Safe Homes (FLASH), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Florida Division of Emergency Management (FDEM), Insurance Information Institute (III), Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS), and the National Weather Service (NWS).
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Are You Covered for Flood?
Are You Covered for Flood?
Flooding is a natural disaster that can affect you no matter where you live. Florida residents, especially those near the coast and other flood-prone areas, have an especially high risk for flooding due to the storm surge and heavy rains present in tropical storms and hurricanes.
Citizens does not cover damage due to storm surge and other forms of flood loss (flood, wave wash, tidal surge, etc.).
Flood insurance is available through the federal government’s National Flood Insurance Program and private-market flood insurance companies. Visit, or contact your agent to learn more.
Asset Publisher
Asset Publisher
Download the Hurricane Preparedness Checklist brochure
Download: Hurricane Preparedness Checklist brochure En español
Download the Hurricane Preparedness Kit brochure
Download: Hurricane Preparedness Kit brochure En español
Download the Storm Surge brochure
Download: Storm Surge brochure En español
Download the Hurricane Preparedness Home Inventory brochure
Download: Hurricane Preparedness Home Inventory brochure En español