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Wind Inspection Results

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Wind Inspection Results

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Reviewing Your Inspection

Your inspector or inspection company will provide you with a copy of the completed inspection report. You should send this report to your agent, who will submit it to Citizens. Citizens will review your inspection results and apply any appropriate mitigation discounts to your policy.

When Do You Need a New Inspection?

Wind mitigation inspection forms usually are valid for up to five years from the date of the inspection form. You may need a new form completed before this time if:

  • You make improvements to your home that may qualify for additional discounts, so that any qualifying discounts can be added to your policy. Examples of changes that may require a new inspection include:
    • Changes to the structure of your home or property, such as adding a room or replacing a roof
    • The addition of new wind-damage mitigation features for which you wish to receive additional policy discounts
  • You have insurance claims for certain types of damage to your home or property.

Questions About Your Inspection

Your insurance agent is your best source for information about your specific policy, coverage and premiums. Contact your agent any time you have questions about how the wind-damage mitigation inspection report affects your policy premiums.

Contact your inspector or inspection company if you have questions about the inspection process or the manner in which the inspection was conducted.

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Verification Inspections

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Citizens occasionally receives wind mitigation inspection reports that do not adequately document a home's wind mitigation features. Without all the required documentation, we cannot provide policyholders with premium discounts.

By law, Citizens reserves the right to independently verify the accuracy of wind mitigation inspections. This right does not apply without material changes to the structure if the inspection form was signed by an authorized mitigation inspector and submitted to, reviewed by, and verified by a quality assurance program approved by Citizens before being submitted to Citizens.


If Citizens determines that a verification inspection is necessary, the inspection company will contact you directly to schedule the verification inspection.

Results and Disputes

Citizens will notify your agent about the verification inspection findings and their impact, if any, on your policy.

If you believe the verification inspection findings are incorrect, your agent should submit documentation to Citizens that clearly shows why a discrepancy noted in the verification inspection report is inaccurate. Review Citizens' Wind Mitigation Feature Documentation Guidelines (En español) to learn more about the documentation needed to verify mitigation features.