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Audit Committee

Citizens Highlights

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An error occurred while processing the template.
Template importing failed (for parameter value "_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_/20154/20702/12226227/12331509"):
Unable to find FreeMarker template with ID _TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_/20154/20702/12226227/12331509

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #import "${journalTemplatesPath}/1233...  [in template "20154#20194#29350523" at line 2, column 1]
1<#-- Global scope --> 
2<#import "${journalTemplatesPath}/12331509" as cpic /> 
4<#if !entries?has_content> 
5	<#if themeDisplay.isSignedIn()> 
6		<div class="alert alert-info"> 
7			<@liferay.language key="there-are-no-menu-items-to-display" /> 
8		</div> 
9	</#if> 
11    <#if layout.isPrivateLayout()> <#-- Handle adjusters, agents, bpopartners, and lobbyists --> 
12        <#assign curSite = portalUtil.getCurrentCompleteURL(request)?keep_after("/group/")?keep_before("?") /> 
13    <#elseif portalUtil.getCurrentCompleteURL(request)?contains("/web/")> <#-- Catch any public sites --> 
14        <#assign curSite = portalUtil.getCurrentCompleteURL(request)?keep_after("/web/")?keep_before("?") /> 
15    <#else> <#-- defautlt to the main site --> 
16        <#assign curSite = "public" /> 
17    </#if> 
19    <#assign 
20        addLiveChat = false 
21        curSite = curSite?keep_before("/") 
22    /> 
24    <#if curSite == "adjusters"> 
25        <#assign 
26            brkLg = [0] <#-- Use this setting to determine which number icon(s) represents the breakpoint for each row in large view (0 for one row).  MUST BE A SEQUENCE! --> 
27            brkMd = [0] <#-- Use this setting to determine which number icon represents the breakpoint for each row in medium view (0 for one row) --> 
28            brkSm = [0] <#-- Use this setting to determine which number icon represents the breakpoint for each row in small view (0 for one row) --> 
29        /> 
30    <#elseif curSite == "agents"> 
31        <#assign 
32            brkLg = [0] 
33            brkMd = [0] 
34            brkSm = [0] 
35        /> 
36    <#elseif curSite == "bpopartners"> 
37        <#assign 
38            brkLg = [0] 
39            brkMd = [0] 
40            brkSm = [0] 
41        /> 
42    <#elseif curSite == "lobbyist"> 
43        <#assign 
44            brkLg = [0] 
45            brkMd = [0] 
46            brkSm = [0] 
47        /> 
48    <#else> 
49        <#assign 
50            brkLg = [0] 
51            brkMd = [5] 
52            brkSm = [3, 6] 
53        /> 
54    </#if> 
56    <@cpic.buildGlobalAppBar bLg=brkLg bMd=brkMd bSm=brkSm addLiveChat=addLiveChat /> 


Web Content Display (Global)

Audit Committee

Asset Publisher

Meeting Details
July 12, 2022  |  1:00 p.m. - TBD p.m. ET

Consecutive Committee Meetings
Audit Committee Meeting
followed by FIC, A&U and Exposure Reduction Committee Meetings

Zoom Webinar
The Alfond Inn, 300 East New England Avenue, Winter Park, FL 32789

786-635-1003  |  Code: 898 0124 2389

Web Content Display (Global)


Public Meetings Information

Want to view the public meetings by committees? View the Sort by Committee page.

Asset Publisher

An error occurred while processing the template.
Template importing failed (for parameter value "_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_/20154/20702/20083/12331509"):
Unable to find FreeMarker template with ID _TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_/20154/20702/20083/12331509

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #import "${journalTemplatesPath}/1233...  [in template "20154#20194#20931" at line 3, column 5]
1<#-- Public Scope --> 
2<#if entries?has_content> 
3    <#import "${journalTemplatesPath}/12331509" as cpic /> 
5    <#assign 
6        curDateObj = dateUtil.newDate() 
7        meetings = {} 
8    /> 
10    <#list entries as entry> 
11        <#assign 
12            renderer = entry.getAssetRenderer() 
13            rootElement = cpic.getRootElement(entry) 
14        /> 
16        <#if rootElement?has_content> 
17            <#assign 
18                pubDateString = getterUtil.getString(cpic.getXmlData(rootElement, 'meeting_date')) 
19                pubDateObj = dateUtil.parseDate("yyyy-MM-dd", pubDateString, locale) 
20            /> 
22			<#if dateUtil.getDaysBetween(pubDateObj?date, curDateObj?date) == 0 || dateUtil.compareTo(pubDateObj?date, curDateObj?date) gt 0> 
23				<#assign 
24                    committeeId = cpic.bcIds[getterUtil.getInteger(cpic.getXmlData(rootElement, 'meeting_type'))] 
25                    committee = cpic.bogCommittees[committeeId].name 
26                    daysAway = dateUtil.getDaysBetween(pubDateObj?date, curDateObj?date) 
27    				link = renderer.getURLViewInContext(renderRequest, renderResponse, '') 
28    				pubDate = cpic.getFormattedDate(pubDateString, 'MM.dd.yy') 
29                    meetings += {"meeting_" + entry?counter:{"date":pubDate, "daysAway":daysAway, "link":link, "committee":committee}} 
30                /> 
31            </#if> 
32        </#if> 
33    </#list> 
35    <div class="${cpic.cpicCssContentClasses} bog-upcoming"> 
36        <div class="h3 header-alt">Upcoming Meetings</div> 
38        <#list meetings?values?sort_by("daysAway") as meeting> 
39            <#if meeting?counter lt 11> 
40                <div class="${cpic.cpicCssContentArchiveRowClasses}"> 
41                    <div class="${cpic.cpicCssContentArchiveDateClasses} col-lg-3 ">${}</div> 
42                    <div class="${cpic.cpicCssContentArchiveDetailsClasses} col-lg-9"><a href="${}">${meeting.committee} <span class="sr-only">(${} - ${meeting.committee} meeting)</span></a></div> 
43                </div> 
44            <#else> 
45                <#break> 
46            </#if> 
47        <#else> 
48            <div>There are no upcoming meetings at this time.</div> 
49        </#list> 
50    </div> 

Virtual Meeting Help Guides

Committee - BA - Audit

Audit Committee
  • Jamie Shelton - Chair
  • Carlos Beruff
  • Scott Thomas
  • Joe Martins - Staff

About Citizens

About Citizens

In 2002, the Florida Legislature created Citizens Property Insurance Corporation (Citizens), a not-for-profit alternative insurer, whose public purpose is to provide insurance to, and serve the needs of, property owners who cannot find coverage in the private insurance market.